Full stack (MERN) web developer.
This is the notes of my nextjs 15 learnings of NEXT JS course Section 3. Next.js Essentials BENEFITS OF USING LINK TAG IN NEXTJS <Link> is a React...
NXM 201 1. Mongodb - advance queries [https://students.masaischool.com/assignments/25108/problems/27000/121343] 6 Questions Checkout the sample...
Got it! Let's clarify the difference in simpler terms by focusing on who each proxy is working for. 1. What is a Proxy? A proxy (also called a forward...
webhook vs pub sub - you use pub sub when you own both the backends - you use webhook when you don't own either any one of the backend webhooks → a...
this article is my notes of lecture week21 - DDOS, Rate limit Why rate limitting Preventing Overload: Rate limiting controls how often a user or...