Learn NextJS 15 from the ground up and build fullstack ReactJS + NextJS apps with the App Router or Pages Router!
This is the notes of my nextjs 15 learnings of NEXT JS course
Section 3. Next.js Essentials
is a React component that extends the HTML <a>
element to provide prefetching and client-side navigation between routes. It is the primary way to navigate between routes in Next.js.
focus on word prefetching
The next/link package in Next.js provides a client-side navigation component that allows you to link between different pages in your application. It enhances the user experience by enabling faster navigation through prefetching and client-side transitions.
Key Features of next/link:
1. Client-Side Navigation:
Pages are navigated without a full-page reload, improving performance and providing a smoother user experience.
2. Prefetching:
By default, Next.js prefetches the resources (like JavaScript and data) for the linked page in the background, ensuring faster navigation when the user clicks the link.
3. Dynamic Routing Support:
Handles links for pages with dynamic routes (e.g., /blog/[slug]).
4. Accessibility:
Automatically renders an <a> element, making it accessible and compatible with screen readers.
5. Custom Behavior:
Works seamlessly with custom event handlers or styles for navigation.
Basic Example:
import Link from 'next/link';
export default function HomePage() {
return (
<h1>Welcome to Next.js</h1>
<Link href="/about">
<a>Go to About Page</a>
Without <a> Tag:
The next/link component can directly wrap child elements:
<Link href="/contact">Contact Us</Link>
Dynamic Routes:
<Link href="/blog/[slug]" as="/blog/my-first-post">
<a>Read My First Post</a>
Open Links in New Tabs:
To add custom attributes, use the <a> tag inside the Link component:
<Link href="/about">
<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">About Us</a>
Improved Performance: Speeds up navigation by prefetching resources.
Better UX: Eliminates page reloads, offering a seamless SPA-like experience.
SEO-Friendly: Still leverages server-side rendering or static site generation for SEO benefits.
The next/link package is an essential tool in Next.js for building efficient and accessible navigation.
Reserved Filenames
As you already learned, there are some reserved filenames when working with NextJS.
Important: These filenames are only reserved when creating them inside of the app/
folder (or any subfolder). Outside of the app/
folder, these filenames are not treated in any special way.
Here's a list of reserved filenames in NextJS - you'll, of course, learn about the important ones throughout this section:
=> Create a new page (e.g.,app/about/page.js
creates a<your-domain>/about
=> Create a new layout that wraps sibling and nested pagesnot-found.js
=> Fallback page for "Not Found" errors (thrown by sibling or nested pages or layouts)error.js
=> Fallback page for other errors (thrown by sibling pages or nested pages or layouts)loading.js
=> Fallback page which is shown whilst sibling or nested pages (or layouts) are fetching dataroute.js
=> Allows you to create an API route (i.e., a page which does NOT return JSX code but instead data, e.g., in the JSON format)
You also find a list with all supported filenames & detailed explanations in the official docs: https://nextjs.org/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions